Our, Cherry room offers ECCE mornings from 9am to 12pm for children aged between 2 years and 8 months up to 5 years.
Our curriculum is an emergent play based one that combines the Montessori approach and is informed by the Aistear framework.
The Montessori Method
Maria Montessori observed that children learn by doing. She designed her materials so that children in the classroom may manipulate them and learn through self – discovery. Montessori found that every child has their own unique pace of development. The Montessori approach is based on trusting this natural process and following the child’s lead rather than directing them.
Purposeful Play
Our play-based method is focused on the children’s emergent interests throughout the day. Play always has a purpose for children and we as educators let them take the lead thus enhancing the emergent curriculum, this in return helps children become confident, happy, and healthy. It ensures that they have a positive sense of who they are, develop a sense of their culture and heritage and feel valued and respected as part of a group. It encourages them to share their experiences, thoughts, ideas and feelings with growing confidence and competence in a variety of ways and for a variety of purposes. The play-based approach is also the foundation for Aistear, the Early Childhood Curriculum Framework, which we use to devise our curriculum.
In Higgy’s House we create a stimulating environment both indoors and outdoors that can help build a child’s knowledge and experiences, this will encourage them to become active learners and help them develop dispositions, skills, attitudes and values, knowledge and understanding.